Inseparable siblings

And just like all things born out of love, they started playing. Running in all possible directions. Space grew so large that it was immediately infinite. Time approached infinity whenever space was found. Their play developed everywhere. Shapes were formed out of the memories of their dance. Space was always plenty. Time always had bit more to give. Soon enough, shapes of space in time became mesmerizing. Encounters of time in space were deeply present. Their memories started taking lives of their own. And it kept on going. The two siblings kept on playing. Some plays lasted for ions. Some only split seconds. Every single play they made could easily leave us all in awe. Look how time moves — we would say. Look how space flows — we would wonder. And despite the apparent separation, they always held each other so, so closely, that some of us were convinced we were all actually one. A single marvelous movement of love born out of the dance between space and time. The two inseparable siblings.